
Program Expectations

The Brampton Drug Treatment Court (DTC) Program recognizes that many people who interface with the legal system struggle with issues related to substance use, misuse and dependency. The Program requires participants to attend regularly for counselling and drug and/or alcohol screening (such as urinalysis). It is understood that the results of any screening or any statements made during the counselling sessions may be reported to the court. Participants agree to keep information about other participants of the Program confidential.

Individuals interested in participating in the Brampton DTC program will commit to the following terms of the Program:

  • Attend court on a weekly basis
  • Remain in court until excused by the presiding judge
  • Be on time for all scheduled meetings (court appearances, counselling sessions, case management appointments etc.)
  • Complete two urinalyses per week and provide results to the Case Manager
  • Participants are required to advise the Program of any change of address, occupation, and new charges
  • Participate in weekly meetings with the Case Manager and the Counsellor
  • Actively participate in counselling and other addiction related treatment, as determined by the Counsellor and the participant
  • Be honest about substance use
  • Abide by the conditions of the Brampton DTC Bail
  • Abide by any probation orders stemming from other convictions
  • Participants cannot incur new charges
  • Participants must have a goal of abstinence regarding illicit substance use
  • Follow the directions of the court which include the completion of sanctions

Drug Treatment Court requires a high level of accountability, participants who do well in this Program demonstrate readiness and willingness to make significant changes to their substance use other areas of risk.

Roles of the Case Worker and the Counsellor

Role of the Concurrent Disorders Counsellor (Peel Addiction Assessment and Referral Centre)

  • Conduct comprehensive assessment for substance use/misuse/abuse and concurrent disorders, using appropriate tools, as determined by the substance abuse field (GAIN Q3 MI ONT.)
  • Conduct comprehensive housing assessments using evidence-based housing screening tools, to determine housing needs of the participants
  • Actively support participants to seek appropriate, stable and permanent housing
  • In collaboration with the participant, formulate a treatment plan that best suits the needs of the participant while adhering to the conditions set out by the Brampton Drug Treatment Court
  • Provide ongoing supportive counselling to participants enrolled in the Brampton DTC

Role of Case Manager (Services & Housing in the Province)

  • create a case management plan with each participant that aligns with their individual goals and the Brampton Drug Treatment Court expectations
  • work collaboratively with community partners to provide the necessary wraparound services for each participant that is involved in the Program
  • act as a liaison between treatment facilities, required programming agencies, and the Brampton Drug Treatment Court program
  • coordinate the collection of reports from the community partners and generate a weekly update for each participant for the Brampton Drug Treatment Court team
Standards of Service and Responsibilities

Brampton Drug Treatment Court’s goal is to provide participants with quality service using a person-centred and holistic approach. Understanding what is expected of participants as well as what participants can expect from us, enables participants to engage in services with ease. Participants are encouraged to speak with their case worker or counsellor about their questions or concerns.

Participants can expect:

  • equitable access to our services
  • to be treated with dignity and respect
  • to understand the full scope of services available
  • to feel valued
  • to be heard
  • to be involved in treatment planning
Limitations of Services

Members of the Brampton Drug Treatment Court have limitations to the service that they can provide. These limitations are outlined below and are put in place to protect participants as well as the program staff. The limitations align with the Ontario Social Worker and Social Service Workers Code of Ethics. Services & Housing in the Province and PAARC staff are Unable to:

1) Accept gifts or money from participants or their families or receive any other financial gain.

2) May not personally benefit from their professional relationship with participants (i.e., hire participants or their family members to provide services such as auto mechanics.)

3) Provide rides to participants in personal vehicles.

4) Handle money on behalf of clients (for example, shopping or banking).

5) Accept social invitations from participants

6) Provide services for which they are not professionally trained to do (for example, helping with cleaning or bathing, or act as a Substitute Decision Maker or Power of Attorney)

7) Meet with participants whom they judge to be intoxicated to such a degree they would be unable to benefit from a therapeutic session